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New Your Demise 7" - coming January 2013

So, we're happy to announce we're putting out a brand new 7" for YOUR DEMISE in January 2013.

It's the band's first independent release since 2007 having now concluded their three album term with Visible Noise, and we couldn't be happier to be on board.

The band will return to Outhouse Studios, Reading in December with producer John Mitchell (the man behind YD’s previous albums Ignorance Never Dies and The Kids We Used To Be..., and who also mixed The Golden Age) to record it.

Stay tuned for more details as time goes on.

But for now, he's their brand new video for 'Push Me Under' from The Golden Age.

Posted on November 8th, 2012

Alright, so the awesome guys behind Limited Pressing have gone and done a sweet revamp of the store facilities which gives us way more options and it's looking sweet!

We've got quite a lot going down, including something coming up this Saturday for Record Store Day!

Anyway, for the time being, follow us on the following:


Nice one!

Posted on April 18th, 2012